May 9, 2021
Wow! Time has slipped by! Mea culpa – between the Blur-day of the pandemic, a physical move for the company, and a significant flurry of human doings – and not the least how spring shows up here in Vermont (winter, fool's spring, second winter, spring of deception, third winter, mud season...actual spring), we had significant snow twice in April. It still gets chilly. Nonetheless, here we are, and it truly seems like it really is spring now. There is an explosion of blossoms all around, trees have been budding for a few weeks now.
In celebration of Spring we have added a new item: our Spring / Summer Picnic / Beach Blanket (as distinct from our Autumn / Winter Ultra Plush Blanket – entirely different utility). You will look back on this new item years from now, I am sure, grateful that you acquired it. It simply solves ostensibly every issue one could have with a picnic or beach blanket!
There are, indeed, other items in the works…remember to share us with family and friends…word of mouth is everything to us.