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Rarified Air
October 3, 2020

    As the leaves are getting knocked down by overnight rains, new foliage is just as quickly replacing them while adding leafy “carpet” to the surround and making our clean air even sweeter. With temperatures generally still in the fifties, these are the crisp bracing days that give Vermont the crown for the preeminent foliage leaf peeping experience. A little known sub-factoid is that Vermont is also the safest state in the US for driving (and when you find yourself reducing your speed and taking in all this it’s no wonder – as you wander and wonder).
    In the last few days these articles have appeared (so, they are still fresh and timely), and if leaf peeping is your thing I offer these quick reads lush with links for your consideration and support; that you may find yourself indulging in our magnificence.
Ethan Bakuli’s CENTRAL ROUTE
and Joel Banner Baird’s SOUTHERN ROUTE
...and Here are the Vermont Fall Foliage Reports
BONUS ARTICLE from Staff for The Journal News’

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Leaf Love Life ! (the Blog)

May 9, 2021
Wow! Time has slipped by! Mea culpa – between the Blur-day of the pandemic, a physical move for the company, and a significant flurry of human doings – and not the least how spring shows up here in Vermont (winter, fool's spring, second winter, spring of deception, third winter, mud season...actual spring), we had significant snow twice in April. It still gets chilly. Nonetheless, here we are, and it truly seems like it really is spring now. There is an explosion of blossoms all around, trees have been budding for a few weeks now. In celebration of Spring we have added a new item: our Spring / Summer Picnic / Beach Blanket (as distinct from our Autumn / Winter Ultra Plush Blanket – entirely different utility). You will look back on this new item years from now, I am sure, grateful that you acquired it. It simply solves ostensibly every issue one could have with a picnic or beach blanket! There are, indeed, other items in the works…remember to share us with family and friends…word of mouth is everything to us.
December 24, 2020
November 24, 2020
We are transitioning from autumn to winter and our selections are reflecting that shift of season. We have added a significant child and youth array: two children’s books, and a teddy bear, we have placed emphasis on our signature holiday hanging ornament, and we have added a tuque and scarf set. Humbly, all of stellar quality with serious attention to detail (the bear has a lifetime warranty!). And as of last week, we have featured in Stratton Magazine, with a major ad buy (for us) in Vermont Magazine (ad shown here). Remember, leaves go with everything and everyone loves leaves, so for the difficult to buy for our quality offerings should complete any such challenge.
October 29, 2020
Vermont Leaf is transitioning from autumn/leaf peeping season to the winter holiday season. Keep an eye out for other additions besides an expanded child/youth section! #leaf company #distinguished #difficult to buy for
October 15, 2020
Vermont gorge, Foliage, Leaves, brilliant color, leaf peeping, Autumn, Fall, crisp air.
September 26, 2020
Get a sense of what's upcoming!
September 21, 2020
Vermont travel beckons, and this link is crucial for planning.
Vermont Leaf Leaves
September 19, 2020
Welcome to the Vermont Leaf Company! The Blog begins here!
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