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EVERYONE Loves Leaves, making this neutral theme perfect for the difficult to buy for (universal, leaves go with everything).


My Leaf Book

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Product Details
The narrator decides to take those leaves and create her very own leaf book to commemorate the season. Once she gathers them, she uses a tree guide to identify the tree and record the name. As each leaf is examined, Wellington provides additional facts about trees and leaves (including vocabulary such as lobes and compound leaves), which will help readers create their own leaf books. The author does a terrific job combining subjects here—story is interwoven with fact, and science is interwoven with art. As the leaf-gathering continues, the girl uses leaves to create prints and rubbings as well as adding them to her book. The illustrations are created in bright autumnal colors. Each type of leaf is depicted in color photocopies as well as other artistic methods. The trees scattered throughout have simplified leaf shapes, but the leaves themselves are re-created in detail. VERDICT There can never be enough seasonally appropriate books for classrooms and libraries, particularly when they offer information readers can use." — School Library Journal

The last image is from the authors website and is captioned thus: "My first leaf book that I made when I was in 4th grade - and saved for all these years!"

Written and Illustrated and signed by Monica Wellington
Penguin/Dial hardcover edition with dust jacket
32 pages

Lexile Measure: 450L

Item Weight: 14.4 ounces

8.9 x 0.3 x 11.3 inches

Intended for an early grammar school audience.

ISBN-10: 0803741413

ISBN-13: 978-0803741416

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My Leaf Book

Model credits: umbrella modeled by Nhu, tie modeled by Bradford, pendants modeled by Karina, all else modeled by Karina and Trenton.

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